v20110206 14

May 29, 2006
A Case of Mine
Sam and Amy were an American couple, they came to Haikou China for missionary work. It was said that they had sold their house in California in order to get enough money to support their daily life here.
On Christmas eve, they went to the municipal hospital to visit the poor patients there. Those people were very miserable, so the American couple brought them some presents and they chatted so that the patients could made that cold night a little bit wormer, at least in their minds. Of course, the couple brought the story of Jesus Christ the savior to these Chinese villagers and city residents.
Among those patients, the couple met Hong Lian, who was a thirties single women suffering from breast cancer. She’s from a sequestered westren province, and had no friends, no money. Some local Christian took care of her voluntarily. The more worse thing was that she got pregnant one year ago, and her boyfriend cheated her. After sleep around for weeks he vanished and never returned. In September the baby was delivered, they named him Tian Ci, which means God’s grace. The local Christians had no ability to deal with the baby so they suggested the American couple adopt the baby. Hong Lian thoughts it a good idea. She accepted this idea. Then Sam came to my law office for consultation on the legal matters involved the process. His problem was that the municipal hospital would not let anybody take the baby, Tian Ci, out of the control of the nurse unless Hong Lian or somebody paid the Bill of Treatment.
I accepted Tim’s case, contacted with the municipal hospital, interviewed the administrative officer of the hospital. I asked why Hong Lian had two Bills one for the cancer treatment of about 70,000yuan, and another for birth delivery of about 25,000yuan Hong Lian was too poor to afford this. They called her family but her mother had been dead for many years, her father was too old and poor to have done anything. She had a sister in her hometown but the sister said it hadn’t been her business. She was also very poor. They tried to fine the man who made Hong Lian pregnant, but they failed, so the municipal hospital insisted on holding the baby until receipt of Sam’s payment.
I suggested to Sam that he’d better make a lawsuit to get the baby back, and that was unreasonable to remain a hostage for payment. Even Chinese law prohibited this action. But at the last minute Sam changed his mind. He chose payment instead of a lawsuit. I had to negotiate with the administrative officer. Weeks late, they offered a proposal: if Sam paid 25,000yuan (the bill of delivery) they would relingguish the control of the baby. Sam accepted it. The couple brought the baby from the hospital to their home. It would be a long way to legally adopt the baby, for Chinese law does not promote adoption especially by a foreigner, but Sam thought they would be better to try it and I promised to give them my help. They appreciated this. The baby looked happier than when he was in hospital. The mother, Hong Lian was satisfied with the resolution. Two months latter, she died. The corpse was burnt. Sam and Amy kept the ashes.
8:44 PM | PermalinkMay 27
I am dreaming to be a Tibetan Lama whom wears crimson clothes and have very short haircutting pattern. Reciting the sutra around the mist of incensation, eyeing the rusty world by a cold mind.

我有一个梦想:做个喇嘛,穿红色衣服,剪短短头发;每天诵经,冷眼看芸芸众生,梵香缭绕。在德钦时有人称呼我“菩萨”。10:22 PM | Permalinkposing before the Ming Yong Glacier
I have been to Shangri-La last August. I visited the Gaden Sumtseling Monastery that in a short distance outside the county city. This was my first time to see a Tibetan Monastery and it's great experience for me, the giant building, colorful porch, the white chorten etc. impress me deeply. Then I visted the Mekong river and the Glacier. In the mountain of Kagebal I found a beautiful flower which is very resemble to Edelweiss, but I'm not sure is it a real sort of Edelweiss. It recall me a dream to visite the alps, to see the edelweiss personally.

10:03 PM | PermalinkMay 24

Mr. Yao was a carpenter. He was hired to decorate a bar room with other workers last summer. One evening, when they finished their job, all of them had dinner together, after they drank lots of alcohol. Yao had an intense quarrel with another worker. The two drunkards fought each other, but the war was stopped. The foreman separated them, and ordered Yao home. Yao bought a cooking knife nearby, nobody knew why he did that, he said he prepared for potential revenge. Then he took a taxi home. He got in taxi and negotiated the fare with the driver. The driver can’t accepted Yao’s offer. Beside that Yao was total drunkard, and most taxi drivers would not serve the drunkard, so the driver asked Yao to exit the auto. At that moment, Yao pull out his cooking knife, put it on the dash board. The following conversation was argued between prosecutor and defense, but I believe Yao talked to the driver and forced him provide the service. The taxi was on its way to Yao’s domicile when the argued activity had happened. The driver said Yao order him to give all his money or he would be killed, but Yao denied it. Yao was so drunk that he fell asleep. Then the taxi changed its way to the police station. Yao was arrested. The charge was robbery with a weapon.

Weeks later, Yao’s wife came to my law office. I accepted the job of defendant for Yao. I read the documents and interviewed Yao in a detention house, and called the driver. Too much evidence for Yao was guilty. Yao told me he was forced to tell a false story in the police station and that the money they found in his pocket belonged to himself not the driver. I prepared my documents to challenge parts of charge. In session, I presented my questions. The biggest question was the money. The money was 99 Yuan. In the driver’s story the notes are one fifty Yuan bill, and one twenty bill, and one more five Yuan notes. But the police’s record did not support these notes. Second question of mine was whether a real robber would fall asleep after this incident.

The judge gave a guilty verdict, according to the criminal code: ‘Robbery with weapon in public vehicle, at least 10 years in jail.’ But, in this case, the sentence was 4 years in jail; I think it was the best I could do for my client for the charge.
11:32 PM | PermalinkI AM NOTHING
I wish you could visit my blog again, the bolg, the tiny humble cyberspace, no one care about it.

When I received the invitation of Short Message, I was so surprise. I would say I had been attracted by you at your first appearing. You are vivid, and I can feel the energy of youth from you. But do you think I am strong or stupid enough to express my feeling to you. If things like that, what should I say? I came to you, stared at your eyes, and told you that I really like you or something like that. What you would response for. Probably was “how dare you say that "," you are forties, you have family, I know guys like you just want to play with me, sleep around, "... Do you know how happy I was, when yesterday you told me you were waiting for something from me.

I appreciate you and what you say. It made me so proud, but after that is horror, if I accepted it, the relationship would injure you deeply, and changes our world. We are colleague, we are alumnal, we are woman and man, and they are real world. The more horrible thing is that you want all of my life that not only belongs to me. I am a father of my daughter, I’m a husband, I am not what I am, because parts of my life is my daughter’s, I know you do not like those, you want to strip the parts from me. You want a pure guy. You said your dad would kill you if he knows you fall in love with a forties man who is 16 year old than you. Same thing will happen to me, my daughter will kill me, in her mind. She won’t accept you all her life, more worse is she maybe leave me alone and never back to me when she grown up.

So babe, take care of yourself, not for me, but for you dad, for your ma, for a luck boy who I envy. You want to see the tear of mine; I told you man crying in his deep mind. Like Mel Gibson in his Braveheart, the last ward before that guy had been hung was...freedom. Oh freedom. It smells so tasty, so sweet, same thing I want is freedom but I lost it. The world had robbed everyone’s freedom not physically but mentally. You know something, that you looks like the French princess in the movie Braveheart. I like her more than the Scottish girl. You told me the stories of Scotland, the land you had been to and loved. You are so brilliant girl, you are young, you have wonderful future, and you will win this world like a princess. I am but one person in this world. I am nothing.
7:19 PM | Read comments (1) | Permalink

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