V20090117 The Theory Of Carl Gustav Jung

C.G.Jung's conceptions
The unconscious
Collective Unconscious
It is common for everyone, and it has the better sense of the self's ideal than the ego or conscious self does. It thus directs the self via archetypes, dreams and initution and drives the person to make mistakes on purpose. In this way, it moves the psyche towards individuation.
Introvert vs. Extravert
Libido: the psychic energy.
sensing intuition thinking feeling

The archetypes are the Self (Persona),trickster, wise old man, the Anima or Animus, the Shadow.

Jung's Archetypes:
  • Persona(masks the self):是individual迎合社会标准扮演的角色,为了给社会一个好印象而被社会接纳承认,Persona与人的本来面目对立。individual过分沉湎于Persona(自己扮演的社会角色),人格的其他部分就会受到损害。
  • Anima:是个体CU中的女性,个体CU中的男性则是Animus (人心理中男性;人心理中的女性叫Animus。) 数百万年的男女交往,使得每个人都带有异性的特质两性间才能协调、理解。Anima/Animus本身是unconscious,会被个体无意识的投射给一个亲爱的人,是情欲的吸引与拒绝的主要原因之一。Persona与Anima/Animus 是相互冲突的,并使其得不到充分发展。极端是会招致Anima/Animus的报复。Anima/animus的过分发展会导致同性恋或易装癖。个体CU中,Anima控制了Ego,个体的behavor 表现强烈女性特征;Animus控制了ego则表现强烈男性特征。
  • Another archetype is that of the anima(male) and animus (female), or more simply, the Soul, and is the route to communication with the collective unconscious. Whilst men have a fundamental anima and women animus, each may also have the other, just at men have a feminine side and women a masculine.
  • The shadow:The thing a person has not wish to be. 容纳着人最基本的动物性,是维持生存必须的现实洞察能力和对刺激反应的源泉,它强大、危险,是人最好的一面和最坏一面的发源地,需要强大的Persona来压抑Shadow的显现,人因而变得优雅但丧失自然活力和创新精神,Persona对shadow的压抑削弱了强烈的情感和深邃的知觉,丧失来源于本能天性的智慧。
  • 当the self 与the shadow和谐时,人会感到自己充满生命的活力。自我应引导生命力从本能中释放和辐射出来。若shadow收到严重压抑,它就会反扑。人往往会把自己受到压抑排斥的shadow冲动投射(projection)到同性身上。例如,某人攻击他人的shadow非常强烈并被压抑,这是他会认为别人有攻击他的想法。

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