v20090113 My ESL Grammar List 2nd

have vs. had
1. I have a box.
2. But I don’t have anything in the box.
3. Now, I have something in the box.
4. I have a rope in the box.
5. Now it out of box.
6. I don’t have anything in the box.
7. I had a rope in the box.(but now it’s empty.)

hope vs. wish

I hope she gets here soon.
They hope the weather is fine.
They hope the weather will be fine.×
I wish I had more time.
I wish I could speak Spanish.
She wishes she were in California.

be going to vs. will
I will be there. (make decision the moment)
I am going to have a drink with John. (we have made the decision )

can vs. could
Could you help me? ( I guess you won’t help me, for it’s not your responsibility.)
Can you help me? ( You are a policeman, so you must help me.)
Of course I can. (The policeman's answer must be.)

I could help you if I am not so busy right now. (Actually, I can not help you.)

If I were a policeman, I would help you. (It's not my responsibility, so I can not help you.)

“could” is used to talk about theoretical possibility.

Be going to vs. Will
I am going to Hong kong this weekend. (I have booked flight ticket and a room....)
I am visiting my Mom on Saturday.

I'll go shopping.

ABC company: we will open a new branch in Hong Kong this summer. (maybe not)

20090517 have done vs. have been doing vs. did

1. What have you been doing today?
(Asking person and answering person are face to face, at the answering person's office and the time is 1700 in the first day)

I've been working for about 7 hours today.

2. What have you been doing this morning? (1000 F-Day)
I've been following my wife and shopping all ( the?) morning. ???

3. What have you done this morning? (1500 F-Day)

4. What did you do yesterday? (anytime F-Day + 1 day)
I went church.

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