V20090117 Sigmund Freud

Self-Defense Mechanism
Reaction Formation:
  • 某人被色情元素过度刺激而变得对抗该话题。
  • 怕死的士兵(不被接受的feeling)突然面对敌人走去(?)
  • 80年代之前的中国道德规范否定中学男女学生发生爱情。某男生总是挑衅同班某优秀女生。其爱该女生(unacceptable desire)导致 anxiety,unconscious 为避免anxiety触发self defense之 reaction formation,其无意识地挑衅该女生避免对该女生的爱意。
Denial: 。
Identification: 追星族。模仿自己崇拜对象的举动。
Sublimation:化悲痛为力量。(x) 艺术家。
Suppression: 拖沓
Rationalization: 酸葡萄,甜柠檬,人....怪....无...?(projection?)
Fantasy: 灰姑娘幻想将来王子拯救自己。

  • Freud believed that personalities developed through a battle between primitive urges and the need to get along with others.
  • According to Freud, children pass through three predictable stages of psycho-sexual development - the oral stage, the anal stage and the phallic stage.
  • Freud identified three parts of personality: the id, the superego and the ego.
  • Defense mechanisms help us cope with unbearable thoughts, feelings and wished. Some of these are
  1. repression,
  2. projection, Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which one attributes one's own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts and / or emotions to others. Projection occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them. An example of such simple behavior would be: blame for failure, making excuse for your own faults by projecting the cause of said failure onto someone else, hence blaming them and not accepting the reality of the failure. (Wikipedia)
  3. rationalization,
  4. reaction formation, occurs when anxiety-producing or unacceptable emotions and impulses are masted by exaggeration of the directly opposing tendency. life vs. death, construction vs. destruction, action vs. passivity, dominance vs. submission and so on. Two people really fond each other fight all the time, in order to suppress their desire of love for each other.
  5. displacement
  6. and sublimation. Sublimation is the process of transforming erotic energy (Libido) into 'socially useful' achievements, mainly arts.

conscious mind,
preconscious mind,
unconscious mind
For Freud, the unconscious is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories and painful emotion put out of mind by the mechanism of psychological repression. The unconscious is a force that can only be recognized by its effects -- it express itslef in the symptom.

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