- Civilization began the first time an angry person cost a word instead of a rock. by Sigmund Freud from:http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/sigmund_freud.html
- One is very crazy when in love. by Sigmund Freud
- The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "what does a woman want?" By Sigmund Freud
V20090120 Essential Concept of Mine
complicated, complex, complicazation (复杂化)
Complex: In psychology a complex is a group of mental factors that are unconsciously associated by the individual with a particular subject or connected by a recognizable theme[1] and influence the individual's attitude and behavior.
文化=collective unconscious 人群中大多数认同并遵守的价值标准、规则。这是由人群天候地理环境决定的并由强势者故意强化的。
complicated, complex, complicazation (复杂化)
Complex: In psychology a complex is a group of mental factors that are unconsciously associated by the individual with a particular subject or connected by a recognizable theme[1] and influence the individual's attitude and behavior.
- externality
文化=collective unconscious 人群中大多数认同并遵守的价值标准、规则。这是由人群天候地理环境决定的并由强势者故意强化的。
V20090117 Sigmund Freud
Self-Defense Mechanism
Reaction Formation:
Identification: 追星族。模仿自己崇拜对象的举动。
Sublimation:化悲痛为力量。(x) 艺术家。
Suppression: 拖沓
Rationalization: 酸葡萄,甜柠檬,人....怪....无...?(projection?)
Fantasy: 灰姑娘幻想将来王子拯救自己。
conscious mind,
preconscious mind,
unconscious mind
For Freud, the unconscious is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories and painful emotion put out of mind by the mechanism of psychological repression. The unconscious is a force that can only be recognized by its effects -- it express itslef in the symptom.
Reaction Formation:
- 某人被色情元素过度刺激而变得对抗该话题。
- 怕死的士兵(不被接受的feeling)突然面对敌人走去(?)
- 80年代之前的中国道德规范否定中学男女学生发生爱情。某男生总是挑衅同班某优秀女生。其爱该女生(unacceptable desire)导致 anxiety,unconscious 为避免anxiety触发self defense之 reaction formation,其无意识地挑衅该女生避免对该女生的爱意。
Identification: 追星族。模仿自己崇拜对象的举动。
Sublimation:化悲痛为力量。(x) 艺术家。
Suppression: 拖沓
Rationalization: 酸葡萄,甜柠檬,人....怪....无...?(projection?)
Fantasy: 灰姑娘幻想将来王子拯救自己。
- Freud believed that personalities developed through a battle between primitive urges and the need to get along with others.
- According to Freud, children pass through three predictable stages of psycho-sexual development - the oral stage, the anal stage and the phallic stage.
- Freud identified three parts of personality: the id, the superego and the ego.
- Defense mechanisms help us cope with unbearable thoughts, feelings and wished. Some of these are
- repression,
- projection, Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which one attributes one's own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts and / or emotions to others. Projection occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them. An example of such simple behavior would be: blame for failure, making excuse for your own faults by projecting the cause of said failure onto someone else, hence blaming them and not accepting the reality of the failure. (Wikipedia)
- rationalization,
- reaction formation, occurs when anxiety-producing or unacceptable emotions and impulses are masted by exaggeration of the directly opposing tendency. life vs. death, construction vs. destruction, action vs. passivity, dominance vs. submission and so on. Two people really fond each other fight all the time, in order to suppress their desire of love for each other.
- displacement
- and sublimation. Sublimation is the process of transforming erotic energy (Libido) into 'socially useful' achievements, mainly arts.
conscious mind,
preconscious mind,
unconscious mind
For Freud, the unconscious is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories and painful emotion put out of mind by the mechanism of psychological repression. The unconscious is a force that can only be recognized by its effects -- it express itslef in the symptom.
V20090117 The Theory Of Carl Gustav Jung
C.G.Jung's conceptions
The unconscious
Collective Unconscious
It is common for everyone, and it has the better sense of the self's ideal than the ego or conscious self does. It thus directs the self via archetypes, dreams and initution and drives the person to make mistakes on purpose. In this way, it moves the psyche towards individuation.
Introvert vs. Extravert
Libido: the psychic energy.
sensing intuition thinking feeling
The archetypes are the Self (Persona),trickster, wise old man, the Anima or Animus, the Shadow.
Jung's Archetypes:
The unconscious
Collective Unconscious
It is common for everyone, and it has the better sense of the self's ideal than the ego or conscious self does. It thus directs the self via archetypes, dreams and initution and drives the person to make mistakes on purpose. In this way, it moves the psyche towards individuation.
Introvert vs. Extravert
Libido: the psychic energy.
sensing intuition thinking feeling
The archetypes are the Self (Persona),trickster, wise old man, the Anima or Animus, the Shadow.
Jung's Archetypes:
- Persona(masks the self):是individual迎合社会标准扮演的角色,为了给社会一个好印象而被社会接纳承认,Persona与人的本来面目对立。individual过分沉湎于Persona(自己扮演的社会角色),人格的其他部分就会受到损害。
- Anima:是个体CU中的女性,个体CU中的男性则是Animus (人心理中男性;人心理中的女性叫Animus。) 数百万年的男女交往,使得每个人都带有异性的特质两性间才能协调、理解。Anima/Animus本身是unconscious,会被个体无意识的投射给一个亲爱的人,是情欲的吸引与拒绝的主要原因之一。Persona与Anima/Animus 是相互冲突的,并使其得不到充分发展。极端是会招致Anima/Animus的报复。Anima/animus的过分发展会导致同性恋或易装癖。个体CU中,Anima控制了Ego,个体的behavor 表现强烈女性特征;Animus控制了ego则表现强烈男性特征。
- Another archetype is that of the anima(male) and animus (female), or more simply, the Soul, and is the route to communication with the collective unconscious. Whilst men have a fundamental anima and women animus, each may also have the other, just at men have a feminine side and women a masculine.
- The shadow:The thing a person has not wish to be. 容纳着人最基本的动物性,是维持生存必须的现实洞察能力和对刺激反应的源泉,它强大、危险,是人最好的一面和最坏一面的发源地,需要强大的Persona来压抑Shadow的显现,人因而变得优雅但丧失自然活力和创新精神,Persona对shadow的压抑削弱了强烈的情感和深邃的知觉,丧失来源于本能天性的智慧。
- 当the self 与the shadow和谐时,人会感到自己充满生命的活力。自我应引导生命力从本能中释放和辐射出来。若shadow收到严重压抑,它就会反扑。人往往会把自己受到压抑排斥的shadow冲动投射(projection)到同性身上。例如,某人攻击他人的shadow非常强烈并被压抑,这是他会认为别人有攻击他的想法。
v20090116(old writing) My ESL Grammar List 3ed
20080619 The Present Perfect Progressive
The present perfect progressive says the action started happening before the time you say the sentence and continues up to the time of your saying it. Maybe the action stops just before you say the sentence and maybe the action continues as you say the sentence, or even continues after you say the sentence, but the main idea is that it starts before you say the sentence. Again, suppose it is 6 o'clock.
I have been computering for 6 hours.
( I turned on my computer at 8:00 am, I use computer continues up to now(2:00pm).
He has been watching TV for 3 hours.
(now, he is also watching TV)
Another way the present perfect progressive can work, if no amount of time is specified, is that the action occurred in the past and continued for some time and then stopped, but there is evidence at the time of speaking that the action did occur.
You've been crying, haven't you?
The present perfect progressive says the action started happening before the time you say the sentence and continues up to the time of your saying it. Maybe the action stops just before you say the sentence and maybe the action continues as you say the sentence, or even continues after you say the sentence, but the main idea is that it starts before you say the sentence. Again, suppose it is 6 o'clock.
I have been computering for 6 hours.
( I turned on my computer at 8:00 am, I use computer continues up to now(2:00pm).
He has been watching TV for 3 hours.
(now, he is also watching TV)
Another way the present perfect progressive can work, if no amount of time is specified, is that the action occurred in the past and continued for some time and then stopped, but there is evidence at the time of speaking that the action did occur.
You've been crying, haven't you?
v20090113 My ESL Grammar List 2nd
have vs. had
1. I have a box.
2. But I don’t have anything in the box.
3. Now, I have something in the box.
4. I have a rope in the box.
5. Now it out of box.
6. I don’t have anything in the box.
7. I had a rope in the box.(but now it’s empty.)
hope vs. wish
I hope she gets here soon.
They hope the weather is fine.
They hope the weather will be fine.×
I wish I had more time.
I wish I could speak Spanish.
She wishes she were in California.
be going to vs. will
I will be there. (make decision the moment)
I am going to have a drink with John. (we have made the decision )
can vs. could
Could you help me? ( I guess you won’t help me, for it’s not your responsibility.)
Can you help me? ( You are a policeman, so you must help me.)
Of course I can. (The policeman's answer must be.)
I could help you if I am not so busy right now. (Actually, I can not help you.)
If I were a policeman, I would help you. (It's not my responsibility, so I can not help you.)
“could” is used to talk about theoretical possibility.
Be going to vs. Will
I am going to Hong kong this weekend. (I have booked flight ticket and a room....)
I am visiting my Mom on Saturday.
I'll go shopping.
ABC company: we will open a new branch in Hong Kong this summer. (maybe not)
20090517 have done vs. have been doing vs. did
1. What have you been doing today?
(Asking person and answering person are face to face, at the answering person's office and the time is 1700 in the first day)
I've been working for about 7 hours today.
2. What have you been doing this morning? (1000 F-Day)
I've been following my wife and shopping all ( the?) morning. ???
3. What have you done this morning? (1500 F-Day)
4. What did you do yesterday? (anytime F-Day + 1 day)
I went church.
1. I have a box.
2. But I don’t have anything in the box.
3. Now, I have something in the box.
4. I have a rope in the box.
5. Now it out of box.
6. I don’t have anything in the box.
7. I had a rope in the box.(but now it’s empty.)
hope vs. wish
I hope she gets here soon.
They hope the weather is fine.
They hope the weather will be fine.×
I wish I had more time.
I wish I could speak Spanish.
She wishes she were in California.
be going to vs. will
I will be there. (make decision the moment)
I am going to have a drink with John. (we have made the decision )
can vs. could
Could you help me? ( I guess you won’t help me, for it’s not your responsibility.)
Can you help me? ( You are a policeman, so you must help me.)
Of course I can. (The policeman's answer must be.)
I could help you if I am not so busy right now. (Actually, I can not help you.)
If I were a policeman, I would help you. (It's not my responsibility, so I can not help you.)
“could” is used to talk about theoretical possibility.
Be going to vs. Will
I am going to Hong kong this weekend. (I have booked flight ticket and a room....)
I am visiting my Mom on Saturday.
I'll go shopping.
ABC company: we will open a new branch in Hong Kong this summer. (maybe not)
20090517 have done vs. have been doing vs. did
1. What have you been doing today?
(Asking person and answering person are face to face, at the answering person's office and the time is 1700 in the first day)
I've been working for about 7 hours today.
2. What have you been doing this morning? (1000 F-Day)
I've been following my wife and shopping all ( the?) morning. ???
3. What have you done this morning? (1500 F-Day)
4. What did you do yesterday? (anytime F-Day + 1 day)
I went church.
v20090115 My ESL Grammar List
20090115 Grammatical TENSE and ASPECT
Grammatical tense and aspect involve in time and state of a main verb in English sentence. There are two tenses, right now(present tense) and past, which mean when the action take place. Present tense of main verbs are formed by adding -s in the end of a verb, such as in the sentence: Plane ditches in New York river. In most situation, the present -s could be removed. But we'd better imagine that there is a -s in the present tense main verbs. Past tense of verb is formed by adding an -ed in the end of a verb. (I'd like to thing the -ed means short form of end here). Regarding aspect, they are complete action which means an action have beginning and ending, and non-complete action (continue or progress) which means an action only have beginning, and non-specific aspect. here's some examples:
1.Rainbow appears. (It's right now, right here, so you and me can see that. )
2. Rainbow appeared. ( It was there yesterday, but now we can't see it.)
3. He has arrived. (He is here now. He "has" the action of arrive. )
4. He is running to here. (He is not here right now, but he is very close to here.)
5. She was running when I saw her yesterday morning.
6. He arrived when the plane had took off. ( the plane took off, then disappeared, then he came.)
20090110other ESL typical wrong by most Chinese
①中文 ② Chinese English ③The native expression
①欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ...
①永远记住你② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
①祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...
①给你② give you ③ here you are
①很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much
①黄头发② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
①厕所② WC ③ mens room/womens room/restroom
①真遗憾② its a pity ③ thats too bad/its a shame(its a pity说法太老)
①裤子② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
①修理② mend ③ fix/repair
①入口② way in ③ entrance
①出口② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)
①勤奋② diligent ③ hardworking/studious/conscientious
①应该② should ③ must/shall
①火锅② chafing dish ③ hot pot
①大厦② mansion ③ center/plaza
①马马虎虎② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)
①好吃② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
①尽我最大努力② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
①有名② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
①滑稽② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining
①欺骗② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off
①车门② the door of the car ③ the cars door
①怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell
①再见② bye-bye ③ bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)
①玩② play ③ go to/do(play在中国被滥用)
①面条② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
①据说② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told
①等等② and so on ③ etc.
①直到现在② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far
①农民② peasant ③ farmer
①宣传② propaganda ③ information
from: http://user.qzone.qq.com/5714695/blog
①欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ...
①永远记住你② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
①祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...
①给你② give you ③ here you are
①很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much
①黄头发② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
①厕所② WC ③ mens room/womens room/restroom
①真遗憾② its a pity ③ thats too bad/its a shame(its a pity说法太老)
①裤子② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
①修理② mend ③ fix/repair
①入口② way in ③ entrance
①出口② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)
①勤奋② diligent ③ hardworking/studious/conscientious
①应该② should ③ must/shall
①火锅② chafing dish ③ hot pot
①大厦② mansion ③ center/plaza
①马马虎虎② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)
①好吃② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
①尽我最大努力② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
①有名② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
①滑稽② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining
①欺骗② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off
①车门② the door of the car ③ the cars door
①怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell
①再见② bye-bye ③ bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)
①玩② play ③ go to/do(play在中国被滥用)
①面条② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
①据说② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told
①等等② and so on ③ etc.
①直到现在② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far
①农民② peasant ③ farmer
①宣传② propaganda ③ information
from: http://user.qzone.qq.com/5714695/blog
v20090112 Maslow's Hierarchy Needs Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Authorship of Wang Yan Cheng, Vincent
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs motivation theory suggests that within each person there are five hierarchical needs, and the individual must satisfy each level before they move onto the next. They are:
1. physiological needs: needed for basic survival including food, shelter, sexual satisfaction i.e.
2. safety needs. When all physiological needs are satisfied and are no longer controlling thoughts and behaviors, then the needs for security can become active. They are the individual yearning for a predictable, orderly world in which injustice and inconsistency are under control. Safety, or security needs include safety of body ,safety of property, health and well-being, safety in numbers (gang).
3. social needs. When the needs for physiological well-being and for safety are satisfied, the next class of needs for love (to love and be loved sexually and non-sexually by others), affection and belongingness can emerge. This psychological aspect involves emotionally-based relationship in general.
4. esteem needs: when the first three class of needs satisfied, the needs for esteem can become dominate. These involve need for both self-esteem and esteem an individual gets from others. Humans have a need for a stable, firmly based high level of self-respect and respect from others. When these needs are satisfied, a person feels confidence and valuable. When these needs are frustrated, the person feels worthless, helpless weak and inferior.
5. self actualization (or aesthetic) need. The point of reaching one’s full potential as a person’s need to be or do that which the person was “born to do”.
v20090110 PIC
V20081223 Long-men Grottoes
Chengdu Impressing

当事人单位的人一再强调,“成都是个休闲的城市,你一定会爱上它”。这个城市我来过多次:8x年的财贸学院宿舍、9x年的一环路南三段、去年9月在凯宾斯基酒店的同学聚会、11月小南街那个小心翼翼的当事人何×玺、这次处理尹x亚的债务纠纷,这不又来一次了......但只有这几年有静静端详它的心态。我不会爱上“它”,像任何一个南来北往的城市,凌晨醒来甚至需要想想究竟是躺在哪个城市的同样装修的商务酒店。文殊坊的滑稽和尚、锦里的Starbucks coffee、每个中国城市必有的人民路、每道菜必有辣椒毫不宽容…记得大学时代同宿舍那个自以为是对成都十分向往的雅安同学说过的笑话:60年代红卫兵头头躲避追捕躲到峨眉山,在山上题诗一首“人索峨嵋好景秀,我索峨嵋好个毬,不是蓉城抓爬虫,哪个龟儿到此游”。呵呵,经典。好熟悉的四川话。
喝过啤酒走在他们的“宽巷子”,恍惚不知是在浙江的乌镇,还是在西湖边河坊街,还是在大理的古城,还是在重庆的磁器口,还是在南京的秦淮河畔……一样目光呆板的人群,一样穿着大大T恤还自豪印着“I AM JUICY”的MM,一样不知哪里来的恶臭的臭豆腐味飘逸满街(张献忠当年真应该多杀一些卖这东东的人们),办证的电话号码全中国一个字体。对了,没房住的杜甫,与夫私奔的卓文君妹妹,不知当年是否也像我这样嗅着浓浓飘散的红油味道。
20080807Thursday HIKING

I went hiking on Aug. 2 and 3, 2008 with about 18 guys. We left Haikou at about 9 am by a van and arrived at a small village in middle of Hainan Island. It was pretty good sunshine. After preparing, we began hiking at about 4 pm and got to the vally where we set up tents for contonment. I got up at 8 am next day. It was a beautiful morning I ever experenced and the feeling was so good. We went back at 10 am, and walked through a rough muddy path. Finishing the exciting outdoor activity, we back to Haikou at 10 pm. It was my first time to join a outdoor activity and it was a great experence.
MAO Tse Tung's poem This is history! Translated into oral Chinese by Vincent

By Mao Tse Tung
All rights reserved.
My Shangri-La
Du-he-rong Dukerong (独客宗)9月15日早上9点乘坐昆 明西站的大巴经过11小时来到中甸,住进弟弟事先定好的独客宗古城一家叫仁和的背包族客栈。独客宗是藏语,问过三个人,夏诺次仁旺堆、格桑卓玛和一个在独 客宗开户外摄影的藏族摄影师,独客宗是石头街道或石头城的意思。中甸是tibetan文化区,据说在清国之前中甸都是拉萨政府的势力范围,由拉萨实际控制 的地区,“zong”或“rong”是城堡的意思,“du”是石头的意思,独客宗意思是石头城堡,大抵相当于拉萨武装部驻理塘支队之类,是拉萨宣示主权的 政治机构。今天,拉萨的主权早已灰飞烟灭,独客宗这个单词也貌似被今天主权者有意无意地淡化。
独客宗古城是个依高地而建的建筑群,基本是 藏式民居,接踵并肩密密麻麻,翻修痕迹犹在,可能是看了丽江四方街的火爆眼红后模仿的商业区,城内到处都是那种迎合西方背包客的酒吧、客栈、餐厅满是那种 西方小资试的英文招贴,一如“Tibetan pizza”“pop corn”“ice beer”之类,看多了感觉与丽江四方街大理洋人街一样雷同,活脱脱一个大大的青年旅舍。店主房东都不是本地人,尽是些可疑的浙江或四川人。出售的商品也 是似曾相识的有藏族元素的旅游纪念品,形形色色的商品中至少绿松石和户外用品充斥假货,其他的偶不懂,但估计不乏伪劣商品。
中外背包客追 寻的、不远万里来藏区做生意的汉人兜售的、满脸奸笑的导游背诵的、各级政府文宣炒作的不过是一个早已死亡的文化概念。tibet曾经也是个强势文化圈,向 周边地区输出价值观,但今天的Tibetan已经式微,越来越多的藏人不再说藏语,取代独客宗的是穿绿色制服的汉人
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