v20090509 The oldest known photography 1825

The first image is a reproduction of a 17th century Dutch engraving showing a man leading a horse. The photograph was sold at Sotheby's in Paris on March 21, 2002, to the French National Library for $443,000 (£330,000). The Niépce correspondence that accompanied the print gave a step-by-step account of how Niépce made his discovery. The print is the only surviving testament to Niépce's achievement in the summer of 1825 using light alone to make a plate from which an image could be printed.



  • When you leave your gate, act as though an enemy was in sight.


200905031420 Photograph

  • 相机拿稳了,选择正确的拍摄模式,好好构图(前景,主体,背景)卫星拍摄也好人工摄影也好,“好”的照片一是是达到目的,二是刺激观看者的complex
  • 对焦对准
  • 选择恰当的焦段(wide端近大远小背景广,tele端近大远大背景窄)
  • 恰当使用闪光灯
  • 闪光灯到达不了的距离,或者不能使用闪光灯时,恰当使用曝光补偿
  • 因为相机测光较傻,首先正确设置测光模式(点测光、多点测光、平均值),前者实在弱智时有必要恰当使用曝光补偿。
  • 需要手动模式拍摄的环境并不多,参数搭配好的形成自己的配方。
  • 把白平衡忘了吧!不同光线环境下的“白色”是最真实的“白色”。

20090503 Photograph

Dimension: 800 pixel × 360 Pixel

I shoot this pic at about 7:30 pm using Fujifilm Finepix 200 exr. The original photo dimension is 1600 × 1200 Pixel at 1/60 s, f/3.3 flash fired, ISO 800.