I am dreaming to be a Tibetan Lama whom wears crimson clothes and have very short haircutting pattern. Reciting the sutra around the mist of incensation, eyeing the rusty world by a cold mind.


I am not sure is this a kind of Edelweiss

I have been to Shangri-La last August. I visited the Gaden Sumtseling Monastery that in a short distance outside the county city. This was my first time to see a Tibetan Monastery and it's great experience for me, the giant building, colorful porch, the white chorten etc. impress me deeply. Then I visted the Mekong river and the Glacier. In the mountain of Kagebal I found a beautiful flower which is very resemble to Edelweiss, but I'm not sure is it a real sort of Edelweiss. It recall me a dream to visite the alps, to see the edelweiss personally.

Posing before Ming Yong Glacier


when a person said that he is a Chinese

When a peasant who lived in Ur said that he was a Babylonian he meant that he was one of millions of other people who paid tribute to the king who at that particular moment happened to be master of western Asia.
THE STORY OF MANKIND by Hendrik Willem Van Loon.

If you replace the Ur by the Yangtze River, Babylonian by Chinese, western Asia by China, the same thing have been happening in China.